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Test with Voice Access


Some users use Voice Access to control their devices either all the time or sometimes. This might be due to limited mobility, for example, if they're doing something that prevents them from using the phone with their hands (driving or baking, to give a few examples). With Voice Access, the user can interact with their device fully by using only voice commands.


Voice Access is available on Android Devices running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher. It's available only in English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, or Portuguese.

Start by downloading Voice Access from Google Play.

Read Google's guide to start using Voice Access commands.

Or watch a video on using Voice Access, also embedded next:


When testing with Voice Access, make sure that you can access everything without using touch, and you are able to interact with every interactive element on the page. You should be able to complete everything that you can accomplish with touch input.

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