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Checks as Markdown

If you want to add these checks to, for example, your pull request template, here they are in markdown:

## Checks

### Automated Tools

- [ ] Ran Accessibility Scanner for the feature
- [Read instructions for testing with Accessibility Scanner](

### Images and Other Visual Elements

- [ ] Purely decorative images have content description set to null

### Alternative ways of navigation

- [ ] The feature works with keyboard and D-pad
- [Read instructions for testing with a keyboard](
- [ ] The feature works with Switch Access
- [Read instructions for testing with Switch Access](
- [ ] The feature works with Voice control
- [Read instructions for testing with Voice Control](
- [ ] The feature works with a screen reader
- [Read instructions for testing with a screen reader](
- [ ] Focus order matches visual representation
- [ ] Added accessibility actions for gesture based actions (e.g. swipe or drag and drop), or there is another way to interact than the gestures (e.g. buttons)
- [Read instructions for building custom components](

### Orientation
- [ ] Experience is similar for landscape and portrait modes

### Semantics and Structure
- [ ] Semantics (e.g. headings) are identified
- [Read instructions for building custom components](
- [ ] Form elements (such as text fields, radio inputs and switches) have a text label
- [ ] Custom components have correct semantics, state information and interaction patterns
- [Read instructions for building custom components](

### Magnification
- [ ] The feature works when using magnification
- [Read instructions for testing magnification](
- [ ] The feature works with font size set to the biggest size
- [Read instructions for testing font size](

## Checks That Might be Out of Your Control (But Worth Checking!)

### Images and Other Visual Elements
- [ ] Every visual element that conveys meaning has a descriptive text alternative

### Use of Color
- [ ] The app/feature works even if user can't see colors

### Orientation
- [ ] Orientation is not locked to either mode

### Audio and Video

- [ ] Audio and video clips have captions